Monday, May 21, 2012

Easy Escarole saute

Frustrated with picked-over and unavailable produce? Let your meal choose you!

If you get to the grocery and what you need isn't available, recalculate your dinner route to find a fresh and in-season alternative to your mundane and predictable grocery list.

Ina Garten suggested this on Barefoot Contessa and I thought it was great advice. 

What does this mean exactly? 

It means you have to let go of your pre-set plans for dinner. 

Rather than planning your menu beforehand, wait until you get to the store, see what's in season and readily available , and then plan your menu around those items!

Not only will this deliver foods to your table that are at their peak nutritional state, but it will also bring an element of surprise to cooking that ignites creativity and innovation. Who doesn't want that?

About a month ago I was at the store not knowing I was about to let the meal choose me. I was browsing the produce when right there amongst the sea of deep leafy greens, my eyes stumbled across the most unusual and gorgeous color purple I'd ever seen.

I didn't know what it was, but I knew I had to have it. 

So what was it? Escarole. 

It's part of the Leafy-chicory family and packed full of nutrients! Folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, potassium, thiamin and riboflavin to be exact.

I saw it. I grabbed it. I oooh-ed and ahhh-ed at its beauty. I didn't give much thought to its preparation until I got home...

But after perusing several escarole recipes online I finally made a decision. I came up with is a gorgeous and delicious chickpea and escarole sauté that I am sure you will love!

What You'll Need:

1 bunch purple escarole, chopped into pieces (or green escarole if you like!)
1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 cloves garlic, minced
1-2 Tbsp lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste


Rinse and chop the escarole into pieces and combine with rinsed chickpeas in a large skillet. 

Add garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper and cook over medium heat for 7-10 minutes or until escarole has wilted slightly.

Serve and enjoy!

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