Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Eliminate Your Aluminums!

We all like to smell good, right?

We buy perfume, cologne, candles, and potpourri to keep ourselves and our homes smelling fresh and clean.

But what happens before we spray the perfume and light the candles?

That's right my friends, we apply deodorant.

But wait! There's a catch....

Most deodorants contain Aluminum, which some scientists say may contribute to the development of breast cancer.

The good news is there's an alternative...

Natural Crystal Deodorant!

There are a few different brands, but they all are all-natural and Aluminum and paraben free!

These Crystal sticks are made of natural mineral salts that create a protective barrier against odor-causing bacteria. All you do is wet the stick and apply it just like you would normal deodorant!

It is odor free, leaves no white residue and is safe for men and women!

I know this may sound extreme to some of you, but I have been using this for about 2 weeks now and I am very happy with the results.

I will say that I miss the way my Secret Shower Fresh deodorant smells, but since the Crystal is a much safer alternative I figure fragrance is a very small sacrifice.

You can find Deodorant Crystals at your local health food store or online.

I got mine at Publix!

Also, thank you so much to my dear friend Helen for introducing me to this magical stuff!

I hope you'll consider giving it a try....

Stay Curious!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Superfoods 101: Spirulina

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to your new best friend...

It's name is Spirulina and soon you'll be happy you met this wonderfully green Superfood!

So what is Spirulina?

It's a high protein algae (don't judge!) that is chalk-full of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, B-12 vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

Did I mention it contains all nine of the essential amino acids?

What more could you want?

I know the deep green hue is a bit frightening and perhaps unappetizing at first, but when you add it to food and drinks you'll hardly know its there.

I first learned about Spirulina after watching Food Matters. It's a great documentary that changed my life and you should definitely watch if you're interested in nutrition and taking control of your health!

Spirulina is quite versatile and goes great in smoothies, salads, soups, wraps, etc. Heck I even drink it in plain water when I'm feeling reckless!

When cooking for others, I love sneaking it into the recipe. No one even knows that they are reaping the benefits with every bite!

Side note: If you're thinking about sneaking it into recipes for your friends and loved ones, you should know that it will darken the color of whatever you are mixing it with, so don't be surprised!

This is such an easy addition to any meal that can take your meals from drab to nutritionally fab!

Personally I like Pure Hawaiian Spirulina pacifica, but there are several brands that you can find at your local health food store.

Spirulina is also available in capsules for those of you who are still nervous of using the powder.

Whether you opt for the pills or the powder, you'll still be fighting against cancer, hypoglycemia, anemia, ulcers, chronic fatigue system and diabetes. 

So pick up some Spirulina today and soon you'll be glowing from the inside out!

I'll be back soon with more Superfood guidance.

Until then...

Stay Curious!

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Muse We Can Use (and drink!)

Sometimes we can see something every single day without ever really looking at it.

I have been guilty if this on more than one occasion, but the one I'm talking about today is one I think some of you may relate to. 

Have you ever stopped to look at the Starbucks logo?

It's a twin tailed siren, aka a mermaid-like creature from Greek mythology!

I never knew (or took the time to look at) this fun fact until several years ago when I was doing a research paper on the history/mythology of mermaids.

Now you might be wondering why a coffee company would choose a mythological creature to represent their brand...

The company wanted the logo to reflect the nautical history of coffee and Seattle’s (the birthplace of Starbuck's!) roots as a seaport city.

Starbucks senior writer Steve M. answered several questions regarding the birth and evolution of the company's logo on their website, but I figure it can't hurt to reiterate his thoughts here with you.

In the search for inspiration to capture appropriate themes of the company's roots, they stumbled upon a 16th century Norse woodcut of a twin-tailed siren in a book and low and behold: the Starbucks Siren was born!

The company has adapted and updated the logo since its origins in the 1970s...

.... but the Siren still remains at the heart of it!

So what does she stand for?

She is meant to be a muse - inspirational and mysterious, exempt from the confinements of being defined. 

She's a storyteller, a promise, and an invitation says Steve M. 

To me, she's an excuse to be fanciful and indulgent. 

She means many things to many people, so now I ask you this...

What does she mean to you?!

Stay Curious!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Could you pass the Salt?

Have you heard of Himalayan Pink Salt?

If you hadn't before, now you have!

There are several benefits of switching to this pure (and pink!) salt. In fact, it has been called Nature's Healthiest Salt - and who doesn't love that?

Unlike common table salt, Himalayan Salt contains 84 minerals and trace elements that are essential to a healthy body and brain!

It is also 100% pure, untainted by bleach, chemical additives and preservatives.

Common table salt promotes acidity in the body, but Himalayan Salt naturally balances your body's pH levels.

Here is a short list of other reasons why you should switch your salt today! (Or at least keep an eye out for it when it's on sale!)

  1. Regulates water content in your body
  2. Promotes brain cell health
  3. Promotes blood sugar health
  4. Reduces signs of aging
  5. Supports respiratory health.
  6. Promotes sinus health.
  7. Prevents muscle cramps.
  8. Promotes bone strength.
  9. Regulates your sleep -- it naturally promotes sleep!
  10. Promoting vascular health.

I'll keep my eyes out for more healthy alternatives like this one, and you do the same!

Stay Curious!