Sunday, December 4, 2011

Superfoods 101: Spirulina

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to your new best friend...

It's name is Spirulina and soon you'll be happy you met this wonderfully green Superfood!

So what is Spirulina?

It's a high protein algae (don't judge!) that is chalk-full of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, B-12 vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

Did I mention it contains all nine of the essential amino acids?

What more could you want?

I know the deep green hue is a bit frightening and perhaps unappetizing at first, but when you add it to food and drinks you'll hardly know its there.

I first learned about Spirulina after watching Food Matters. It's a great documentary that changed my life and you should definitely watch if you're interested in nutrition and taking control of your health!

Spirulina is quite versatile and goes great in smoothies, salads, soups, wraps, etc. Heck I even drink it in plain water when I'm feeling reckless!

When cooking for others, I love sneaking it into the recipe. No one even knows that they are reaping the benefits with every bite!

Side note: If you're thinking about sneaking it into recipes for your friends and loved ones, you should know that it will darken the color of whatever you are mixing it with, so don't be surprised!

This is such an easy addition to any meal that can take your meals from drab to nutritionally fab!

Personally I like Pure Hawaiian Spirulina pacifica, but there are several brands that you can find at your local health food store.

Spirulina is also available in capsules for those of you who are still nervous of using the powder.

Whether you opt for the pills or the powder, you'll still be fighting against cancer, hypoglycemia, anemia, ulcers, chronic fatigue system and diabetes. 

So pick up some Spirulina today and soon you'll be glowing from the inside out!

I'll be back soon with more Superfood guidance.

Until then...

Stay Curious!

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